Personal Life Coaching

Empowering all women to live their most authentic and rewarding lives – tapping into the call of their heart, reclaiming lost energy and unearthing the passions that make them truly shine.

Rediscover yourself so you can find real joy and enthusiasm once again.

Are you feel like you’ve lost your sense of self after years of self-sacrifice as a wife, business owner, professional & mother?

Or maybe you’re currently going through separation process or feeling cornered after a relationship breakdown.

Many women struggle alone with their sense of self after years of sacrificing themselves to be ideal mothers and wives. Years of negative, self-destructive patterns begin to take shape in unhealthy relationships – with others and themselves. 

​​It’s time to reconnect with who you truly are, and what YOU want so that you can stop putting yourself last and start creating your most fulfilling life possible!

As a Certified Life Coach and a Family Law Expert, I have the experience, knowledge and skills for you to draw on to take back control and create a better future that you can be proud of.

Take ownership and create a life you love.

What is life coaching?

Women experience many significant life changes every decade.

That is where I can help you gain a new perspective towards life and set the right attitude to deal with challenges so you can refocus on your career and ambitions.

As a private client, each session is unique to you. We dive deep together and find what is at the root of where you may be stuck in your life, and what you desire most.

Unsure if life coaching is something that you need?

I get it. You’re in that space where you feel worried and unsure – and I know exactly how that feels. 

So, if you feel any of the following, Life Coaching is ideal for you.

  • Never feeling like you are ever going to be good enough or worthy

  • Falling into perfectionist patterns which stop you from doing anything.

  • Going through the motions of life over and over again with no passion

  • Feeling like you’re not living up to your full potential

  • Seeing the same toxic patterns repeating out of control

  • Feeling stuck and unfulfilled and not knowing what steps to take next

My expertise in Life Coaching will help you develop the right perspective towards the present and the future- encompassing almost every area of your life.

How my life coaching works

I don’t provide you with a Life Coaching Program without looking into your unique circumstances first. My goal is to deliver unparalleled guidance, accountability, lifelong tools and practical strategies which genuinely help you live a better life. 

Here’s how my process works together with you.



At this stage, I’m here to listen to you and discuss your unique situation – either online or face to face.

This will give me a better understanding of your specific needs.



From this understanding, I ask you questions and give you an idea of the possibilities and programs that are open to you, both in the short and longer term.



I  present to you my plan of action. If you wish to proceed with my Life Coaching program, we’ll begin your journey of 6-8 sessions where we tackle 1 issue every time and make sure you leave with clarity and peace of mind each session.

Ready to become the best version of you?

Let me take your hand and start your journey towards a better life today

What are the possible outcomes of life coaching?

While every situation and circumstances are unique, the end goal of my bespoke Life Coaching sessions include the following:


- Have someone to help you look ahead to your next chapter and focus on what is most important to you.

- Have an impartial third party to use as a sounding board for making well balanced and considered decisions.

- Reduce the emotional toll of life turmoils by having someone by your side, supporting you.


- We work at your pace and timeframes.

- The focus is entirely on you, your goals and your aspirations.

- Every session, you’ll feel empowered with practical direction.

- Regain an invigoration for your everyday


- Knowing you are inherently worthy and more than enough.

- Feeling authentically you and living for your purpose and passions

- Gaining clarity and confidence in pursuing your dreams.

- Breaking through the fears and limiting beliefs that have held you back

Book in your discovery session:

What makes me different?

There are many online Life Coaches offering wellness retreats and personal guidance.  However, my sheer commitment to your results, my years of business experience, my discipline in mindfulness and expertise in the Family Law space make me the friend and support you can depend on.

  • My team and I are always one step ahead. We make the process easy, and our solutions are well-considered and innovative. My holistic scope of care extends to include pre-program guidance, and post-program debriefs.

  • I offer a collaborative experience and aim to reach a point where I can step away, knowing you’re ready. I empower you to feel equipped with the knowledge and confidence

  • As a practicing Family Lawyer and certified Life Coach, my expertise and experience has helped countless women live a better life.Now it’s your turn to benefit from my programs.

  • I recognise that your needs are unique. So, I design a highly personalised solution that sets a deliberate and direct course towards your specific goals.Item description

  • As a woman who genuinely cares, I listen to you to understand your needs, ensuring the best experience and outcome for you. I keep myself and my clients accountable and take a mindful responsibility so you can live a better life.

Need some clarity and support?

I am a dedicated Life Coach who will assist you in managing your every day in a positive way. Let’s take the steps you need.