Keynote Speaking & Presenting

I aspire to share my unique approach and years of expertise both in public and private settings to impart my own heartfelt experience.

My goal is to inspire women to effectively navigate relationship breakdowns, take control of their careers and gain the clarity they deserve.

As a Family Lawyer, Coach, Speaker and Author, I have delivered keynote presentations on topics relating to relationships, love and life.

Described as an authentic, warm and down-to-earth speaker, I am on a mission to advocate for women, professionals and couples so they can be inspired live their best life.

I am available for speaking and presentation opportunities at events across Australia and beyond.

I have been invited to present at numerous events where I’ve shared my expertise and knowledge in the Family Law space, including: 

  • Domestic surrogacy across Sydney with growing families

  • Collaborative Divorce

  • Staying out of court and separating simply

  • Dignified Divorce – that is, keeping out of your lawyer’s office

Places I’ve presented previously

As one of the leaders of the industry, I am regularly featured in multiple nationwide media broadcasts, including A Current Affair, 7 Sunrise, Studio 10s The Project, Body + Soul, ABC Radio National and much more. In these appearances, I was asked to comment on family law trends as an expert in the field.

I’d love to explore presentation opportunities at your next event or media broadcast.

Let’s discuss speaking gigs and topics.

What do I offer through my keynote speaking and presenting?

While every situation and media channel is unique, the goal is to help audiences:

  • My topics help you and your audiences prepare to make changes to life so that divorce is a defining moment of dignity, equity and peace.

    I also shed light on key legal and financial information, as well as holistic healing for well-being and life after separation.

  • I cover turning complex, acrimonious divorces into awakened, conscious choice. Learn what your options are, including how to choose the right path and how to plan ahead.

    My presentations also explain how to protect yourself and become the strong person you can be.

  • Let me explain how to take up real opportunities for personal growth.

    Learn how to become reflective, heal from your past and reclaim your future. Divorce is a crossroad, so I show you how to gain clarity around how to create a new you during one of the most challenging times of your life.

Let’s discuss speaking opportunities 

I can share my expertise with your audience and provide a rewarding event experience for everyone.